Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011


“I start to realize that I have an extraordinary friends and I like to waste my time with them”

Yeah, that’s my word to describe what kind my friends are . .

I love them , I really enjoy our friendship                      

We smile together , laugh together , joke together , walk together , and learn together

They know how to tell a good story , how to make a funny joke , how to pass a boring time , etc

But , nobody perfect in this world . yeah i know that quote

Sometimes we have a different opinion , and sometimes I feel I can’t follow their way

They have a different habit , not a lot

But i should try to understand their way , I shouldn’t be selfish

Because it’s a life , we aren’t live alone in this world 

So , I try to keep this friendship

I hope we still together eventhough we won’t stay in the same class :’)

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

welcome holiday :D

yeeeaaay exam is oveeeeer :D
and that's mean holiday is comiiiiiing :D
huuuuh , let's enjoy this holiday 
yaa walopun kemaren ini sempet kesandung remed , tapi udah selesai sih remednya hahaha relax time deh sekarang :)
udah gausah mikirin nilai lagi
yaa palingan nanti pas mau bagi rapot mikirin nilai lagi hahaha
moga aja hasil rapot ga aneh aneh hhhhh

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

come back

hey blog , apa kabar ? haha sori ya gue jarang cerita lagi disini :)
sebenernya gue juga bingung sih sekarang mau cerita apa 
hari senin gue ukk loh , tau ga ukk apaan ? ituloh ujian kenaikan kelas . moga aja hasilnya bagus amiiiiin #wish
gue sih yakin 98% naik kelas , tapi yg bikin gue kahawatir nanti pas kelas 2 gue masuk jurusan apa ? gue sih maunya jurusan ipa , yaaa semoga aja gue masuk ipa amiiiiin

next , masih tentang sekolah . .
gue mulai sadar kalo gue ternyata punya temen yg extraordinary
gue seneng ngabisin waktu gue sama mereka :)
gue udah mulai ngerasain enaknya jadi anak SMA
pertamanya emang gue pikir enakan SMP soalnya SMA itu banyak banget tugas , tapi menurut gue SMA itu jauh lebih bebas 
main kemana aja suka suka gue hahaha 

so , i really enjoy my life :)