Rabu, 29 Mei 2013


Well, it's been soooo long since the last post. I was barely have time with internet, so yeah it's my free time and i'm bored, perfect time to write...

Now, i'm gonna share about college. Since i was just graduated from highschool, so it's time to try college. Oh, and for all students who wasn't accepted to public universities, don't give up guys. You can join another entry test.  And for students who got accepted, congratulation!!!

And for me, i'll continue my study in London School of Public Relations. Why? Isn't it obvious? Well, of course because i'm gonna take Public Relations as my subject. If i don't choose Public Relations, perhaps i won't choose London School, simple as that.

London School of Public Relations, has 6 subjects. Public Relations, Mass Communication, Marketing, Advertising, International Relations, and Performing Arts Communication. Want to know the details? Just check out in here .

I'm quite excited to really be a part of it. Just wishing for everything to be perfectly fine..

Boring? Well, time to sign out, be back again next time :)

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012


Hey bloggieeee..
it's been a long time since my last story, right? i've been busy lately, hehe
okay now, i want to post about Ailee !!! *cheers*
i will introduce her to you. because maybe most of you haven't known about her yet.
Name: Lee Yejin
Stage Name: Ailee
D.O.B: 30 May 1989

as so you know,  she's a korean rockie singer. i started to addicted to her song 'Heaven' this past few days. i suggest you to listen to this song, guys..
i know her from Gamaliel-Audrey's channel in youtube. they made a cover of her song. i was interested, then i looked for the original song, and yeah i like it.
i like both, Gamaliel-Audrey's version and original version of Ailee.
she has an angelic voice. i've got goosebumps when i hear it (too much maybe). but seriously, she has an amazing voice, trust me.
So, yeah that's all..
once more, to everyone who read my post, please try to listen to her voice. you can start from her single 'Heaven'.
enjoy guys........



Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

annoying class -_-

sekolah gue yang sebenernya pelit libur itu akhirnya ngasih libur juga, lumayan lah seminggu. Many things that happened in my life, this week. And i enjoyed it, even there's something i don't want to do, such as music practice with my classmate -_- i don't like them, they're so annoying and selfish, i just like trapped in this class -_- damn.
gue bener bener ga suka sama kelas gue yg sekarang -_- anak anaknya ga asik, ga seru, nyebelin...
dikelas, gue dibilang rasis gara gara berempat mulu, dan ga gabung sama mereka. lagian gimana gue mau gabung? anak anaknya aja kaya gitu -_- caper banget dah sama guru, udah gitu suka ngejerumusin kita berempat sampe bermasalah sama guru guru, ngeselin -_- semoga kelas 3 ga sekelas sama ipa 1 lagi -_-

Senin, 05 September 2011

voucher pulsa

tadi sore ade gue beli 2 voucher pulsa yg 50rb, totalnya 100rb
pas vouchernya digosok gataunya robek, dan parahnya kode vouchernya jd ga keliatan
lebih parahnya lagi duaduanya vouchernya bernasib sama
sayang banget voucher 100rb jadi gabisa kepake
sebenernya gue gatau apaapa soal ini, tp tiba2 aja ade gue dateng ke gue sambil nangis dan bilang ke gue soal voucher itu. mungkin ade gue gosok vouchernya ga pelan2 kali ya
yaaa karena gue ga tega ngeliat ade gue nangis gara2 itu jadi gue kasih aja uang 100rb buat ngegantiin voucher yg rusak tadi walaupun gue gaada sangkut pautnya sama rusaknya voucher itu
haaaah dasar voucher pulsa kurang ajar haha

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

wali kelas super nyebelin

oke , malem ini gue mau sedikit cerita aja . gue mau cerita soal wali kelas gue yg super nyebelin waktu kelas 10 kemaren .
kenapa gue bilang dia nyebelin ? yaaaa karena emg dia nyebelin
kayanya dia emg gasuka sama gue dan ketiga temen gue
dia tuh sewot bgt sama kita , pandangannya sinis lagi -_-
plisdeh padahal dia wali kelas , dia yg bakal belain kita kalo rapat kenaikan
beberapa hal yg bikin gue dan ketiga temen gue itu gasuka bgt sama dia
pertama, dia pernah nyita hape gue sama sekar , oke kalo itu emg kita yg salah
kedua, kalo rapat orangtua dia pasti ngomong yg aneh2 ke nyokap -_-
ketiga, dia suka ngebagus2in kelas X.1 atau X.2 , heloooo lu tuh wali kelas siapa sih sebenernya ?
dan yg paling nyebelin , pas bagi rapot dia bilang ke nyokap gue kalo gue JURUSAN IPS
what the...............
oke, sebenernya gue gamasalah ipa apa ips , tapi nyokap guenya itulooooh
dan pas gue mau tes ke ipa , pengawasnya kan ngabsen ulang
and guess what? TERNYATA GUE TUH IPA bukan ips
gue sama gege yg ipa , sekar sama nabila emg ips
demi apa dooooooong? nyebelin bgt ga sih wali kelas gue ituuuuu
segala bilang gue ips padahal gue ipa hhhhhhh -_-
jangan sampe deeeeh dapet wali kelas kaya gitu lagi

Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

the unpredictable day

sebenernya gue sama temen2 niatnya hari ini ke dufan , tapiiiiii
gue sama temen2 pengennya ke dufan hari ini tapi kayanya Allah punya rencana lain haha
jadi gue mau ke dufan sama temen2 naik mobilnya rastra 
rastra itu gebetannya temen gue si nabila
rencananya mau berangkat pagi tapi mobilnya gabisa 
terus rastra bilang jam 10 tapiiiii gajadi 
gue sama temen2 nungguin dia dengan segudang alesannya dia setiap kita tanya dia dimana -_-
bayangin doooong kita tuh sampe nunggu 7 jam , kurang sabar apa coba nunggu selama ituuu -_-
akhirnya dia dateng jam 4 sore , yailaaaah itumah gue udah males
yg ada pas sampe dufan udah tutup duluan kaliiiii
rencana ke dufan batal , sekali lagi BATAL , gue perjelas lagi B.A.T.A.L
yaudah rastra ngajakin ke PRJ atau ga ke sevel akhirnya
tapi gue sama temen2 udah pada unmood laaaah
yaudah sebagai gantinya dia traktir kita shisha sama makan di mid east deeeh haha
sebel bgt siiih sama rastra , tapiii makasih juga deh udah traktir shisha + makan dan juga udah nganter gue sama temen2 sampe rumah hahahaha

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011


“I start to realize that I have an extraordinary friends and I like to waste my time with them”

Yeah, that’s my word to describe what kind my friends are . .

I love them , I really enjoy our friendship                      

We smile together , laugh together , joke together , walk together , and learn together

They know how to tell a good story , how to make a funny joke , how to pass a boring time , etc

But , nobody perfect in this world . yeah i know that quote

Sometimes we have a different opinion , and sometimes I feel I can’t follow their way

They have a different habit , not a lot

But i should try to understand their way , I shouldn’t be selfish

Because it’s a life , we aren’t live alone in this world 

So , I try to keep this friendship

I hope we still together eventhough we won’t stay in the same class :’)